This page shows businesses on Marfleet Avenue. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.
Antler Club is a social club offering a venue for various gatherings and social events in the local area.
Address: 98 Marfleet Avenue, Hull, North Humberside, HU9 5SA
Axida Ltd is an IT consultancy firm which offers advice to businesses on how to utilise IT systems.
Address: Hainsworth Research Centre, Marfleet Avenue, Hull, North Humberside, HU9 5RS
East Yorkshire Engineering is a firm of engineering consultants offering a variety of engineering solutions.
Address: Unit B, 133 Marfleet Avenue, Hull, North Humberside, HU9 5SA
Johns Sandwich Bar is a sandwich shop which serves a variety of sandwiches, rolls, baguettes and other snacks as well as providing a food delivery service.
Address: 12 Marfleet Avenue, Hull, North Humberside, HU9 5RB
Marfleet Munchies is a sandwich shop which serves a variety of sandwiches, rolls, baguettes and other snacks as well as providing a food delivery service.
Address: 17 Marfleet Avenue, Hull, North Humberside, HU9 5RB
Map showing Marfleet Avenue in Hull.