A review of East Hull Pools by Mark Wainberg written on Wednesday 26th of April 2017
East Hull Pools, or baths as I knew as a child growing up is exactly what a public phasility should be, yes it's not been maintained for years and it's earmarked for closure which is a major mistake as it's much loved especially by the disabled swimming groups I support through my work, many people will not be able to adjust when it closes, the poolside Stafford great but seem disheartened by the impending closure, I'm friendly without of the receptionists, and have raised issues with the manager with some level of responce, if they went ahead with the closure of Ennerdale which was only ever ment to be temporary and renovate East Hull Pool as originally planned many people would be overjoyed, I would be top of that list.
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Map showing East Hull Pools on Holderness Road